5/8/19 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order
Secretaries Report Accepted
Treasurer’s Report Accepted
Member Report
97 Memberships
179 Members
5 Business Members
10 + more memberships since last count
2 New Business Members Added
Robertson’s Open House
$54 in merchandise sold
4 memberships added
Robertson’s did a business membership too
Added more members at trail cleanup too
Trail Report
Clean up
Great Job Everyone
12 people at start, more showed up
2 full trailer loads of trash taken out
Dump gave us permit to throw away for free
A lot of people showed up that wanted to ride
A couple of new trail heavily compromised over winter from logging.
May need a new bridge
Some clearing is required
Need to set up times for this
Trail Clean Up times
Tuesday and Thursday Afternoon meet 4:15 at trailhead
There is a new caretaker on the property, Eric and Bill went and talked to him
Open to use of roads but doesn’t want to open them yet.
We would have to take liability for any damage if opened
Going to see which pieces make sense to use once trail map is out
Can use currently if we need access but not for riding
Need to get trails cleaned and opened up is first priority
Second priority is we need a map
Third we can evaluate if sections of road make sense to open up
Sunday a group went and cleaned up power line trail
Blanchard road there was a bunch of tires
Want to stop trucks from gaining access to dam at landowners request
Starting next Tuesday for trail work
Need to clean up matting at Potter’s Field
All the woods chips we filled it in with are gone
Yard Sale
Haven’t done much advertising
Want to move to June 15th to give more time to advertise and prep.
Will be from 8 – 5 that day.
Sending email to bring donations for yard sale / bake sale
Going to put on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist
Facebook videos and Youtube has expanded business at Robertson’s and why Sanford ATV Club has gotten so popular
Going to send out email to see if we can get someone to design poster
Another Charity Ride
Too much other stuff going on already.
Businesses get hammered with request for donations and we can only go ask so many times
40 hours of trail work jacket needs to go on website.
Putting Trail work hours count for community service.
Group Rides
Separating into groups for rides.
Person taking registrations should help split people into groups
Northeast Motorsports Open House
Saturday 10 -2
Eric will be there
Safety Announcement from Police Department
Be careful when out picking up trash with bottles that have liquids in them.
If a bottle seems cloudy inside or suspicious do not touch it and contact the police department.
Trails Opening
Trails are opening this Saturday, Power line trail as well
The club memberships comes with a $3500 Accidental Death and dismemberment benefit as part of ATV Maine
If you get the form and the mail sign it and put away in a safe place
Safety Classes
28 People at the last safety class
Everyone passed
June 22nd almost full already
June 2nd Ride
Sending out emails and posting to Facebook
Doing 50/50 raffle and maybe a couple door prizes
Need Someone to sell t-Shirts and stuff
Group email to all members, Sue will send out.
Sending out a poster again.
Suggestions for charities for future benefit rides
Camp Capella, a summer camp for disabled kids, sent us a lettering asking for donations
Life Flight, a helicopter pickup for people injured in remote areas. The club has had to use before.
There is going to be a Lifeflight helicopter in Sanford soon
Meeting Adjourned