1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Secretaries Report Accepted
3. Treasurer’s Report Accepted
a. Storage Unit cost going up 60 dollars to about 150 a month
i. We are going to need to look around for other options
b. Sold some merchandise at Northeast Motorsports show
c. Need to shop around to find a better deal on storage
i. The unit is 10 x 20 or so, need to verify
d. Consider a trailer that we could park at someone’s house
i. This would remove the monthly commitment and the cost won’t keep going up
ii. It would make events easier as we would not need to load and unload the trailer to get everything out of the storage unit everything would be all ready to go in the trailer
iii. We wouldn’t have to keep renting a Uhaul for events which incurs a cost and uses up a lot of time getting and returning the Uhaul.
4. Membership Report
a. 137 Members
b. 76 Memberships
c. 4 Business Members
5. Trails Report
a. Someone at the Northeast Motorsports show wanted to know if we could close the trails for the winter so they can go cross country skiing on them. He takes his snowmobile out and grooms them and the ATVs tear up this.
6. Raising Membership Fee
a. Membership fees is going to be increased $5 to help offset the growing cost of operating the club.
b. Motion was seconded and passed and will take effect next year on July 1st.
7. Event Food Prices
a. We are putting off voting on increasing the food cost at our rides for the time being.
8. Improving Our Ride Events
a. It would be helpful to have a special light for the tails in ride groups to make it easier for the ride leader to see if anyone is missing
b. We need more ride leaders so that we can break into smaller groups that are more manageable
c. A staggered start would make it so there aren’t so many stops during the ride
d. Suggested making lanes at the start of the ride to break off into different groups like one for fast, one for slow, one for side by sides.
9. Yard Sale
a. Going to do again next year
10. Raffle
a. A yearlong raffle might help raise funds to and we could sell tickets at event
b. Maybe something like a set of tires
11. Eric Haggstrom would be interested in taking over as president at some point, he is going to be retiring. In order to do this he is going to have to be involved in going around and doing stuff outside of the meeting so that he can meet contacts.
12. August 16th 17th and 18th is free ATV weekend, can ride in Maine without registering in Maine so long as you are registered in your home state.
13. Insurance is changing to coincide with the membership year and the rate is dropping.
14. Pot of Gold Drawing at ATV Maine goes to Topsham Trail Riders
15. Meeting Adjourned