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Meeting Minutes June 2018


Meeting Minutes

1. Secretaries Report Not read, Steve forgot to print out

2. Treasurer’s Report Approved

3. Membership Report Approved

4. Trail Report

a. Getting ready for charity ride coming up

b. Pottersfield Work Done, Bridge in

c. Made Signs as well

d. Need Volunteers to put out Signs

e. Have been out with the tractor

i. Opened up area where logging had been done

ii. Opened up beaver dam

f. Power line signs and side rails left to do

g. Trout Unlimited wants to reclaim stream

i. The bridge is dropping silt into the water

ii. Allowing reroute onto bakers grant rd

h. 1st Bridge

i. Probably going to pull bridge and put elsewhere

ii. Warden can come and trap beaver s as nuisance and relocate them so that the area the bridge is in doesn’t keep getting flooded.

5. Yard Sale

a. Declared Success

b. Possibly do again next year

c. Weather was good

d. The high speed limit in front of yard sale may have stopped people from coming in

e. Need to bring more applications for the club next year

f. We are going to bring t-shirts next year to sell

6. July 14th Charity Ride

a. Grahamtastic Connection Fundraiser

b. Meeting a few days before

c. Need Food

d. Need Porta-Potty

e. Bring dish / salad / dessert

f. Need more pasta / potato salad this year

g. Club buys hamburgers and hot dogs and rolls

h. Sue wiil get uhaul for that Friday


7. Nov 4th Toy Ride

8. Sept 15th Night Ride

9. ATV Safety Class on Aug 11th

a. 8 people on waiting list

b. 30 people scheduled – full class

c. In same room as meetings are held

d. Dennis? Jeff? Larry? Teaching class

e. Club has 4 safety classes a year

f. Ages 10 – 16 need class to ride their machine on trails

g. Next ones are in August and September

h. Dates are also listed on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website

10. Need a New Trail Map

a. Need additions on this summer

b. John looking into maybe making with his company

i. $100 - $300

ii. Downloadable PDF

iii. Works with Polaris ride command and google earth KML

iv. Can also to put into states format and sent to state GPX

v. Holdenremick available evenings and weekends

11. Meeting Adjourned

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