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ATV Maine Meeting Minutes - June 18, 2016

ATV Maine Meeting

Hosted by: Bog Hooters ATV Club

Mechanic Falls, Me

June 18, 2016

Presidents Report:

Membership = Out of 76 Clubs 39 have renewed (7,500 members and 390 businesses)

  • AD&D Insurance ($3500) has been dropped from the membership without notice in April, this is the same for MSA. American Income & Life is working out the details, based on the company needs for ATV Maine to possibly renew the contract.

  • Landowners and Sportsmen Relations Advisory Board (LSRAB) is looking to add the Outdoor Program (OP) to MOSES when you register your ATV, Snowmobile, Boats, etc. online.

  • Rights & Privileges – Bog Hooters President spoke up about riders abusing trails are most likely renegade riders that don’t belong to a club. Asking clubs to speak up if you see someone doing damage to landowner’s property or throwing trash out in the woods, if you see something, please say something and give as many details as you can (Who, What, Where, & When). Put up signs that say “Hi you’re on camera” with a smiley face. Have cards or magnets made up of whom to call. If individuals receive community service for getting caught doing something they’re not supposed to. It takes 17lbs of trash to equal 100hrs of community service.

  • Trash bags are now in production with the ATV ME logo.

  • ATV Maine Rules and Guidelines - Recommendation to Amend page 5, Inappropriate Conduct (read the guideline)

Clubs need to discuss ending the membership on the first offense or having the second offense as a chance to change.

  • ATV Maine has an opportunity to be present at Camp North Woods in July and looking for volunteers on Saturday July 23rd and Aug 6th. (Location at Bryant Pond 4H Camp July 7th – 23rd for girls and July 31st to Aug 6th for boys.)

Vice Presidents Report:

  • Irving Woodland’s Contract – Clubs that have trails on Irving land must have a contract with Irving Woodland’s, be insured through ATV Maine, utilize maps and info provided by Irving. Individuals riding on Irving land must have a club sticker (from one of the clubs with contracts annotated on the state trail map) and an ATV Maine sticker.

Old Business:

  • Liability Insurance is continuing at $600 a year per club.

New Business:

  • VP’s or Officers visiting ATV club can do so at their own discretion.

  • ATV Maine’s goal for 2016-2017 – Looking for ways to resolve the renegade rider problem maybe by proposing to the legislators in making the insurance mandatory in order to register an ATV, Snowmobile, or dirt bike (as in your own personal vehicle). What do the clubs have for ideas?

Safety Officer’s Report:

  • Selling one of the 90cc and buying a larger ATV (150cc ).

  • Safety Trailers will be at the Airline end of June, Grand Lake Stream July 16, and Bryant Pond July 23 and Aug 6.

Eastern Region – Oct 15th the trail will be open into Ellsworth behind the Comfort Inn (no parking in Ellsworth just to food & gas). Cherry Field Blueberry barons – If your ATV is registered you can ride on the trails but, if you want to ride the other roads through the barons you must have a card or sticker from Cherry Field Foods.

Southern Region – Jerry True is reaching out to dealers reminding them that they are the link to educating individuals when buy ATV’s to respect landowners or we lose the trails “No Trails, No Sales”. Limington club has restructured and moving forward. New road built in Standish to reach the ATV trail on SWOAM land. Windham is trying to get a club and trails up running.

Next meeting will be held in Dennysville (Eastern) on August 20.

Sue Lanouette

ATV ME Director

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