Meeting Opens: Meeting opened at 7:00PM, Pres. Ed Coleman chairing.
Secretary Minutes: The minutes of 11MAR15 were read and approved.
Treasurer Report: Mike Lanouette reported the club financial status . The report was motioned and carried.
Membership Report: 100 memberships; 208 members; 2 business members.
Trail Master Report:
Hours for the 2014 trail work have been tabulated. We have 10 folks who earned the 40+ club award.
Paperwork completed for out-of-state riders for our scheduled rides.
The permission slips are going out to the landowners for this year.
Snowmobilers made good use of the boardwalk this past winter. Some sections need to be tweaked level again.
Old Business:
We have our first of the year safety class coming up this week, 11APR. The next will be 20JUN, and the last one 22AUG.
2015 rides are: 11JUL, Meals on Wheels; 12SEP, night ride for the food pantry; 01NOV, our Toy Ride.
New Biz:
The website is giving us some issues. James is working at it but we may have to rebuild a new site from scratch.
The Prez announced that Sanford would like someone to maintain the rail-bed trail, roughly 4.5 miles. It is reported to be in good shape, and would require our clean-up efforts .
40+ award decision was for a multi-tool, was motioned and approved to purchase 10.
Our 2015 elections were conducted. The members present motioned to retain the current positions as filled and the officers accepted, with Dennis accepting an interim term while a new secretary is recruited. The motion was carried and the officers were re-elected. Frank Jacob was elected as a board member. Appointed positions are Bill Watters as TrailMaster, Ed Coleman as Safety Officer, and Susan Watters as Events Chairperson.
Meeting Closes: The membership voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM